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Residential Content Appraisal Services

The process begins with a no cost/no obligation phone call
or email

We discuss the reasons for the appraisal at our first contact to best meet your needs. Appraisals can take different forms depending upon the situation. 

• Formal Appraisal
• Informal Verbal Appraisal
• Online/Hypothetical Appraisal


Formal written appraisals are not always necessary. Sometimes the client simply wants to know what they have and would like to schedule a consultation. For clients who are intrigued by the potential of one or more items, perhaps an online assessment would answer their questions more efficiently.


Professional Services 

Kim Teaver and Company offers USPAP* appraisal reports of antiques, collectibles, silver, decorative art, and residential content. We specialize in appreciable and depreciable residential personal property, as well as heirlooms. 


Formal Appraisals

A certified appraisal provides a basis for insurance claims and scheduling, divorce and bankruptcy negotiations, IRS taxable charitable donation, estate planning and asset assessment, purchase or sale advisory including equitable distribution of assets among heirs. Every appraisal has one specified intended use and one specified set of users. All appraisals completed by Kim Teaver and Company conform to the American Society of Appraiser's (ASA) Principles of Appraisal Practice and Code of Ethics and, the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) of The Appraisal Foundation.Formal, written appraisals may be needed for:

• Equitable division of estates
• Marital dissolutions
• Gift and charitable contributions
• Calculating estate taxes
• Acquiring the right amount of insurance coverage
• Assessing loss due to theft, breakage, fire, natural disaster

When hiring Kim Teaver and Company to do a formal professional appraisal, you will receive the following: 

• A review explaining in detail the purpose of the appraisal and an explanation of how the appraisal is to be used

• A formal, organized, comprehensive report

• A complete and accurate description of the items appraised, described so that the items can be identified without pictures.

• Clearly defined values in the appropriate market for the type of appraisal required.

• An appraiser who is willing and able to defend the appraisal in court if needed.

• A picture catalog of items appraised


We would be pleased to discuss your appraisal needs with you. 

Informal Verbal Appraisal
For the client who but is interested a general sense of what their objects are worth but does not require a written appraisal, Kim Teaver and Company offers verbal appraisals and walkthroughs. Verbal appraisals offer an affordable approach to individuals serving as executors of an estate, individuals deciding what to (and not to) keep when thinking of downsizing, and those doing estate planning.

During an informal appraisal, objects are examined and immediately offered values based upon condition, owner input and extensive field knowledge. Clients are strongly encouraged to videotape, tape record, or make notes during the appraisal process.

A typical home walk-through appraisal takes approximately two to three hours with advanced preparation.

At the conclusion, a question and answer session is suggested to assist clients in determining next steps if there is a need to liquidate and the best venue options for maximized profit.

Online/Hypothetical Appraisal
Please be aware that our online appraisal's are based on the information sent to us and therefore hypothetical in nature. Our appraisals are based on the most current sales results available; they should not be used for insurance, estate or tax purposes. Online appraisals are provided for educational value only.


An appraiser is required to personally examine the items to prepare an appraisal for insurance coverage, estate or tax purposes. If we find that the information sent to us indicates a significant appreciable value, we will refer you to a Personal Property Appraiser in your area as part of our appraisal service. 

Our fees are based on an hourly rate. Be wary of an appraiser who charges a percentage of the appraised value. This practice is clearly a conflict of interest and may result in biased values that are easily challenged and of little weight.

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